Worship is at the core of our life together at St. John’s, giving us strength and focus to pursue our mission of spreading God’s love outside our walls.
Sunday Services
Our principal Sunday services are Holy Eucharist and occasionally Morning Prayer. At 8 am, we have a quiet, contemplative service in our beautiful, intimate St. Mary’s Chapel. There is no music at this service.
At 10:30 we move to the Nave for our principal service using the 1982 Hymnal. The 10:30 service is live-streamed on Facebook and YouTube.

All are welcome at our services and we invite you to come as you are, where ever you are in your faith journey.

Weekday Services
Services during the week include a lay-led service of Compline live on Facebook, led by parishioners from their homes using the Book of Common Prayer and the New Zealand Night Prayer on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Summer Services
During the summer we periodically hold outdoor services followed by a parish picnic, sometimes with our neighbors from Versailles Presbyterian or St. Paul’s African-Methodist Episcopal Church.

Special Services
Over the course of the year our special services range from Blessing of the Animals, where we make use of our large green space so that horses and turtles sometimes join the many cats and dogs, to Kirkin’ o’ the Tartans with a bagpipe band and procession down Main Street, to a candlelight Festival Holy Eucharist on Christmas Eve with string instruments and incense.
Services & Sunday School
All are welcome at our services and we invite you to come as you are, where ever you are in your faith journey.